Thursday, April 01, 2010

cite dongeng.

actually ni cite btol ye.
bukan dongeng mahupun rekaan semata-mata.

this story sbnrnya berkenaan my bestie pny bestie.
she used to have someone yg dia crush time zaman high school dulu.
now dia da ada someone yg mmg dia syg.
but then, dia terjumpa blk ngan crush dia yg lama.
dia terlalu xcited and always 'mengskodeng' crush dia nie.
tp in the same time,
dia rasa jahat sgt dengan boyfie dia.
dia rasa berslah and mcm berlaku curang pown ada gak.
dia da try byk kali tok jgn amek kisah psl crush dia 2 and just stay loyal to her boyfie but same thing always happen.
dia still '' about her crush.
saya pown xtau nak tlg dia camne.
i just told her to be loyal and always listen to what her heart want.
syukur ngan apa yg ada skarng and jgn pernah mintak lebih.
life is always like this.
penuh ngan pilihan dan dugaan.
shit macm mane pown life ni,
nak xnak kena survive tok idup.
just be strong ye syg!

p/s: jgn pernah tny sape her 2, coz u may not know who her really is!