Saturday, May 08, 2010


 di tag oleh diyana

first time jumpa with your hubby, bila and kat mana? 
hurmm. waktu masuk poli and kitorang sama kelas.

love at first sight? 
no. xpown. juzz igt nak jadi best fren je. tp terlebih suda. haha!

who is he when the first time you meet him? 
seorang yg sgt sgt peramah and rasa annoy juga sbb dia byk sgt berckp and kuat gile menyakat gurls.

how long it takes for him to ask you out of a date? 
hurm. dalam 6bulan gitu la.

first place dating? 
MINES. of course!

how he proposed? 
biasa biasa je. hehe.

special date with your hubby? 
every date is a special date. even juz pegi lepak kat mamak.

changes that he asked you to do? 
dia suruh saya exercise. huhu. malashla.

what is about him that you love so much? 
dari ujung rambut cmpi ujung kuku kaki. sume saya suke. heee :D

what is about him that you wish he would like change?
hot tempered! dia sgt sgt cepat naik angin. xsuka yg itu. *baby, plish ubah ye*

you will lose your mine and crack your head when he? 
naik angin and lmbt bls mcj and xangkt fon and tido! *kalo kol dia time dia tido, mmg skt ati saya dibuatnya*

you will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he? 
*muah muah* saya. haha! sgt suka bila dia muah muah sy dlm sms.

complete below sentences 'my love towards my hubby is as big as..' 
everything! nothing as big as my love towards him! hehe.

nak pass tag ni kepada siapa? 
pada yg sedang membaca nie. :)